
Feature detection and description is a major area of focus in Computer Vision. While SIFT remains the gold standard because of its robustness and matching performance, many other detectors and descriptors are used and often have other competitive advantages. Theia presents friendly classes for feature detection and decription such that the interface is always the same regardless of the methods used. Note that all keypoint and descriptor extraction methods we perform automatic conversion to grayscale images if necessary.


The keypoint detection and descriptor extraction methods here are generally not thread-safe. Use with caution when multi-threading.


class Keypoint

The base Keypoint class is a glorified struct that holds information about a keypoint that has been detected with a KeypointDetector. Information about the keypoint’s position, strength, scale, and orientation can be easily added and retrieved. The type of keypoint can be retrieved with the keypoint_type() function.

class Keypoint {
   enum KeypointType {
       INVALID = -1,
       OTHER = 0,

   Keypoint(double x, double y, KeypointType type);
   ~Keypoint() {}

   // Required Keypoint type.
   inline KeypointType keypoint_type() const;
   inline void set_keypoint_type(KeypointType type);

   // Required Variable x.
   inline double x() const;
   inline void set_x(double x);

   // Required Variable y.
   inline double y() const;
   inline void set_y(double y);

   // Optional variable strength.
   inline bool has_strength() const;
   inline double strength() const;
   inline void set_strength(double strength);

   // Optional variable scale.
   inline bool has_scale() const;
   inline double scale() const;
   inline void set_scale(double scale);

   // Optional variable orientation.
   inline bool has_orientation() const;
   inline double orientation() const;
   inline void set_orientation(double orientation);

Keypoint Detector

class KeypointDetector

Detecting keypoints with Theia is very simple, and we have implemented a number of keypoint detectors that are commonly used in Computer Vision. Each keypoint detector is derived from the virtual class KeypointDetector. Each derived class must implement the DetectKeypoints() method

bool KeypointDetector::Initialize()

This method initializes any internal parameters that must be generated, precalculated, or otherwise are independent of the image. The Initialize() function must be called before using the keypoint detector.

bool KeypointDetector::DetectKeypoints(const FloatImage &input_image, std::vector<Keypoint> *output_keypoints)

input_image: The image that you want to detect keypoints on.

ouput_keypoints: A pointer to a vector that will hold the keypoints
detected. Note that the vector should be empty when passed to this function. The caller is responsible for deleting the keypoints.
// Assume var keypoint_detector was created with one of the constructors below.

FloatImage input_image(input_image_filename);
const bool initialization_success = keypoint_detector.Initialize();

// Container for the detected keypoints.
std::vector<Keypoint> detected_keypoint;
const bool detection_success =
    keypoint_detector.DetectKeypoints(input_image, &detected_keypoints);

The following keypoint detectors have been implemented in Theia (class constructors are given):

SiftDetector::SiftDetector(int num_octaves, int num_scale_levels, int first_octave)

The algorithm originally proposed by [Lowe] that uses the VLFeat as the underlying engine.

Specify the number of image octaves, number of scale levels per octave, and where the first octave should start. The default constructor sets these values to values -1 (i.e., as many octaves as can be generated), 3, and 0 (i.e., the source image)


Theia uses a semi-generic interface for all descriptor types. For floating point descriptors (e.g., SIFT) we use Eigen::VectorXf and set the number of entries to equal the dimension of the descriptor. This way, we can utilize Eigen’s speed and optimizations to get the most efficient and accurate representation of the descriptors.


class DescriptorExtractor

We enforce a DescriptorExtractor interface similar to the KeypointDetector so that we can extract descriptors at runtime. Each descriptor has a corresponding extractor class that is used to compute that descriptor given keypoints. However, we must call the Initialize() method before computing descriptors.

bool DescriptorExtractor::Initialize()

This method initializes any internal parameters that must be generated, precalculated, or otherwise are independent of the image. The Initialize() function must be called before using the descriptor extractor.

bool DescriptorExtractor::ComputeDescriptor(const FloatImage &input_image, const Keypoint &keypoint, Eigen::VectorXf *float_descriptor)

This method computes the descriptor of a single keypoint.

input_image: The image that you want to detect keypoints on.

keypoint: The keypoint that the descriptor will be computed from.

float_descriptor: The descriptor computed for the given keypoint.

returns: True on if the descriptor was extracted, false otherwise.

bool DescriptorExtractor::ComputeDescriptors(const FloatImage &input_image, std::vector<Keypoint> *keypoints, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> *float_descriptors)

Compute many descriptors from the input keypoints. Note that not all keypoints are guaranteed to result in a descriptor. Only valid descriptors (and feature positions) are returned in the output parameters.

input_image: The image that you want to detect keypoints on.

keypoints: An input vector of the keypoint pointers that will have descriptors extracted. Keypoints that were not able to have a descriptor extracted are removed.

float_descriptors: A container for the descriptors that have been created based on the type of descriptor that is being extracted.

bool DescriptorExtractor::DetectAndExtractDescriptors(const FloatImage &input_image, std::vector<Keypoint> *keypoints, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> *float_descriptors)

Detects keypoints and extracts descriptors using the default keypoint detector for the corresponding descriptor. For SIFT, this is the SIFT keypoint detector. This has the potential to be faster because it may avoid recomputing certain member variables.

input_image: The image that you want to detect keypoints on.

keypoints: An output vector of the keypoint points that have been detected and successfully had descriptors extracted.

float_descriptors: A container for the descriptors that have been created based on the type of descriptor that is being extracted. Eigen::VectorXf is used for extracting float descriptors (e.g., SIFT).

// Open image we want to extract features from.
FloatImage input_image(input_image_filename);

// Detect keypoints.
SiftDetector sift_keypoint_detector;
bool keypoint_detector_init = sift_keypoint_detector.Initialize();
const bool keypoint_init_success = sift_keypoint_detector.Initialize();
std::vector<Keypoint> sift_keypoints;
const bool detection_success =
    sift_keypoint_detector.DetectKeypoints(input_image, &sift_keypoints);

// Initialize descriptor extractor.
SiftDescriptorExtractor sift_extractor;
const bool descriptor_init_succes = sift_extractor.Initialize();

// E.g., compute a single descriptor
Eigen::VectorXf sift_descriptor;
bool sift_success =
  sift_extractor.ComputeDescriptor(input_image, keypoint[0], &sift_descriptor);

// E.g., compute many descriptors.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf> sift_descriptors;
const bool extraction_success =
  sift_extractor.ComputeDescriptors(image, &sift_keypoints, &sift_descriptors)

We implement the following descriptor extractors (and corresponding descriptors) in Theia (constructors are given).

class SiftDescriptorExtractor
SiftDescriptorExtractor::SiftDescriptorExtractor(int num_octaves, int num_scale_levels, int first_octave)

The algorithm originally proposed by [Lowe] that uses the VLFeat as the underlying engine.

We only implement the standard 128-dimension descriptor. Specify the number of image octaves, number of scale levels per octave, and where the first octave should start. The default constructor sets these values to values -1 (i.e., as many octaves as can be generated), 3, and 0 (i.e., the source image). Typically these parameters are set to match the SiftDetector parameters.


This algorithm is patented and commercial use requires a license.

Feature Matching

Features are useful in SfM because they can provide sparse matches between images, which can then provide geometric constrainst for the poses between these images. As such, feature matching is a very critical process in the context of multi-view geometry. We provide a generic interface for feature matching that works with binary descriptors or float descriptors.

For feature matching, we implement an abstract FeatureMatcher class that serves as an abstract class for various feature-matching methods. The FeatureMatcher class takes keypoints, descriptors, and optionally camera intrinsics (if known) and performs all-pairs feature matching between images.

class FeatureMatcher

The FeatureMatcher is templated on a DistanceMetric that describes how to compute the distance between two matches (we provide L2 and Hamming). The matcher is intended for all-pairs image matching for SfM reconstruction.

FeatureMatcher::FeatureMatcher(const FeatureMatcherOptions &options)

Initializes a feature matcher based on the options.

void FeatureMatcher::AddImage(const std::string &image_name, const std::vector<Keypoint> &keypoints, const std::vector<DescriptorType> &descriptors)

Adds an image to the matcher with no known intrinsics for this image. The image name must be a unique identifier.

void FeatureMatcherAddImage(const std::string &image_name, const std::vector<Keypoint> &keypoints, const std::vector<DescriptorType> &descriptors, const CameraIntrinsics &intrinsics)

Adds an image to the matcher with the known camera intrinsics. The intrinsics (if known) are used for geometric verification. The image name must be a unique identifier.

void FeatureMatcher::MatchImages(std::vector<ImagePairMatch> *matches)

Matches features between all images. No geometric verification is performed. Only successful image matches will be returned.

void FeatureMatcher::MatchImagesWithGeometricVerification(const VerifyTwoViewMatchesOptions &verification_options, std::vector<ImagePairMatch> *matches)

Matches features between all images. Only the matches that pass the geometric verification are returned. Camera intrinsics are used for geometric verification if the image was added with known intrinsics.

void FeatureMatcher::SetImagePairsToMatch(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &pairs_to_match)

Set the image pairs that will be matched when MatchImages or MatchImagesWithGeometricVerification is called. This is an optional method; if it is not called, then all possible image-to-image pairs will be matched. The vector should contain unique pairs of image names that should be matched.

Feature Matching Options

Theia allows for a variety of parameters to be tuned for feature matching. Setting these parameters will have an effect on things such as matching performance, efficiency, memory, and more.

class FeatureMatcherOptions

The options specified for feature matching. Adjusting these optiosn will change the number of matched features as well as the quality for matching.

int FeatureMatcherOptions::num_threads


The number of threads to use for image-to-image matching. The more threads used, the faster the matching will be.

bool FeatureMatcherOptions::match_out_of_core

DEFAULT: false

Matching can be performed out-of-core or all in memory. For large datasets, it is advisable to utilize the out-of-core matching. This strategy will save features to disk and utilize an LRU cache to minimize disk IO and take advantage of cache-locality.

std::string FeatureMatcherOptions::keypoints_and_descriptors_output_dir


If out-of-core matching is enabled, this is the directory where features will be written to and read from disk.

int FeatureMatcherOptions::cache_capacity


If out-of-core matching is enabled, this is the maximum number of images to store in the cache at a given time. The larger this number, the more memory is required for matching.

bool FeatureMatcherOptions::keep_only_symmetric_matches


The quality of feature matching can be greatly improved by only keeping matches that are mutual. That is, for feature x in image 1 and feature y in image 2, a high quality match is formed when y is the best match for x and x is also the best match for y. When keep_only_symmetric_matches is enabled, only mutual matches are considered valid.

bool FeatureMatcherOptions::use_lowes_ratio


float FeatureMatcherOptions::lowes_ratio


Good feature matches should be very apparent. That is, the best match for a given feature should be much better than all other candidate matches for a given feature. Lowes ratio is defined as the ratio between the top match distance and the second best match distance. If this ratio is higher than lowes_ratio then that means that the top match is not much better than the second best match. If use_lowes_ratio is set to true then only the feature matches which pass the Lowes ratio test are kept.

int FeatureMatcherOptions::min_num_feature_matches


Images are only considered to be successfully matched if they contain a sufficient number of feature matches between them. min_num_feature_matches is the minimum number of valid feature matches (or verified matches) that must exist between two images in order to consider the matches as valid. All other matches are considered failed matches and are not added to the output.

Output of Feature Matching

The output of the matching process is a vector of ImagePairMatch. Each ImagePairMatch contains matching information for feature matches between two views.
class ImagePairMatch

Matches are defined as feature coordinates between two image. If geometric verification is performed then the two-view geometry is also specified and the returned matches are only the inlier matches after geometric verification.

std::string ImagePairMatch::image1
std::string ImagePairMatch::image2

The unique names of the current image pair that have been matched.

TwoViewInfo ImagePairMatch::twoview_info

If geometric verification is performed, then the twoview_info describes the two-view geometry (i.e., relative pose) between the two images.

std::vector<FeatureCorrespondence> ImagePairMatch::correspondences

A FeatureCorrespondence contains two feature locations named feature1, and feature2. These represent the image coordinates of the matched features. If geometric verification is performed then these features are the inlier features.

Using the feature matcher

We have implemented two types of FeatureMatcher with the interface described above.

class BruteForceFeatureMatcher

Matches are computed using an exhausitve brute force search through all matches. The search is the slowest but has the highest accuracy.

class CascadeHashingFeatureMatcher

Features are matched through a cascade hashing approach as described by [Cheng]. Hash tables with extremely fast lookups are created without needing to train the data, resulting in an extremely fast and accurate matcher. This is the recommended approach for matching image sets.

The intended use for the FeatureMatcher is for matching photos in image collections, so all pairwise matches are computed. Typical use case is:

FeatureMatcherOptions matcher_options;
BruteForceFeatureMatcher matcher(matcher_options);
// Or to instantiate the cascade hashing matcher:
CascadeHashingFeatureMatcher matcher(matcher_options);

// Add image features to the matcher.
for (int i = 0; i < num_images_to_match; i++) {
  matcher.AddImage(image_name[i], keypoints[i], descriptors[i]);

 // Or, you could add the image with known intrinsics for use during
 // geometric verification.
  matcher.AddImage(image_name[i], keypoints[i], descriptors[i], intrinsics[i]);
std::vector<ImagePairMatch> matches;

// Or, with geometric verification:
VerifyTwoViewMatchesOptions geometric_verification_options;
matcher.MatchImages(geometric_verification_options, &matches);

By adjusting the FeatureMatcherOptions (described above) you can control various setting such as multithreading, in-core vs out-of-core, etc. The outpute of the matching process is a vector of ImagePairMatch. Each ImagePairMatch contains matching information for feature matches between two views.

Implementing a New Matching Strategy

Given that the FeatureMatcher class is an abstract interface, implementing a new matching strategy is extremely simple. The simplest way to do this is to derive a new class from the FeatureMatcher class and implement the protected method MatchImagePair()

bool FeatureMatcher::MatchImagePair(const KeypointsAndDescriptors &features1, const KeypointsAndDescriptors &features2, std::vector<FeatureCorrespondence> *matched_features)

This protected function takes in two sets of features and outputs the feature matches between them. This is a pure virual function in the FeatureMatcher class and must be implemented by any derived classes. For instance, the BruteForceFeatureMatcher implements this method by computing the pairwise distance between all features and choosing the correspondences as the features with the smallest distance between them.

When implementing this method in a derived class you will automatically get all of the great benefits of the abstract FeatureMatcher class without having to explicitly write code to handle them. These benefits include:

  • Multithreaded matching
  • Ability to utilize out-of-core matching
  • Optional geometric verification

For examples on how to implemente new matchers as derived classes, check out the BruteForceFeatureMatcher implementation.